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Digital self-service challenges and future delivery 2023 report

Find out what digital self-service challenges the Public Sector is facing and what the future holds for digital transformation

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DSS Challenges and Future Delivery 2023 Cover

The GOSS Digital Self-Service in the Public Sector research initiative is the UK's largest and most comprehensive review of current practices in government organisations. Now in its eighth year, this series of survey reports examine the current landscape of digital self-service across the Public Sector, and looks at how organisations are hoping to progress in the coming years.

Download the first of two reports in this research initiative - Digital Self-Service Approaches and Performance. In this report, find out what digital self-service challenges the Public Sector is facing and what the future holds for digital transformation. Discover what barriers are preventing online service delivery, and how challenges such as the cost-of-living crisis, budget cuts, and COVID-19 are affecting organisations. Plus, learn what savings the Public Sector expects to make via digital self-service and what services are to be prioritised in the future.


Discover in this report...

  • The barriers to digital transformation delivery
  • Factors slowing and accelerating digital self-service plans
  • Future predictions for digital self-service delivery
  • What organisations plan to invest in when it comes to digital self-service


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