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Meet the Core-Tech Team

Get to know the Core-Tech team here at GOSS. We've caught up with them to find out what they do.

Shaun Jennings, 16 January 2023 00:00
Meet Core Tech Thumbnail


The Core-Tech team at GOSS are concerned with designing, prototyping, implementing and maintaining the software technology that GOSS uses to implement its Digital Platform and services. The team is comprised of Richard, Steve, Ronald C, Tom, Ronald M, and Andrew - read on to discover a bit more about each of them below...


Richard Bolingbroke

Richard Bolingbroke

Core Tech Team Lead

How long have you been at GOSS?: 23 years - since the doors opened on the first day!

What do you do at GOSS?: I write and maintain software. I used to use an IDE, now I mainly do it by speaking to my team and drawing pictures

What is your greatest achievement so far at GOSS?: I was instrumental in writing the first online booking system for a large ferry company, and it took millions of pounds of bookings

What's the best thing about working at GOSS?: They push me, but not to the point that I can't keep up

Favourite motto/quote: 

  • "Premature optimisation is the root of all evil"
  • "My dog stepped on a bee"
  • "Your lyrics lack subtlety! You can't just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!"

What is your guilty pleasure?: Midweek 5 o'clock cocktails

What's your go-to karaoke song?: Teenage Kicks by The Undertones. There's only 5 notes in the entire vocal melody, and it requires shouting, rather than controlled singing

What three items would you take with you to a deserted island?: Large boat, outboard motor, GPS navigation system



Steve Wyatt

Steve Wyatt

Senior Software Developer

How long have you been at GOSS?: At the time of writing - 17 years, 2 months, 3 days

What do you do at GOSS?: I maintain the .NET framework and work on the new unified technology stack

What is your greatest achievement so far at GOSS?: Seeing the iCM.NET framework which started off as a Friday afternoon self-development project turn into a fully-fledged product which is being used today to power client sites.

What's the best thing about working at GOSS?: The people - I've known a lot of the people here for a long time and I still keep in contact with several who have since moved on.

Favourite motto/quote: 

  • "The devil makes work for idle hands"
  • "Never rub another man's rhubarb"

What three items would you take with you to a deserted island?:

  • A contract guaranteeing regular supply drops from a passing Hercules (I'm not slumming it folks)
  • A decent tent/shelter
  • A sassy grass skirt (Ed Stafford makes his own but sadly I'm more Ed Miliband)

Favourite place in the world?:

  • The wild unspoilt vastness of Dartmoor
  • Home Park (Come on Argyle)



Ronald Chan

Ronald Chan

Java Developer

How long have you been at GOSS?: I have been here 1 year

What do you do at GOSS?: Coding, support and more coding

What is your greatest achievement so far at GOSS?: Moving clients to use STAN build

What is the best thing about working at GOSS?: For me its the flexible working hours, they really allow me to maintain a good work-life balance

What's your go-to karaoke song?: A Cantonese song called 身體健康 which means stay good health

Favourite place in the world?: Home where I can take a rest and have a lovely moment with my family.



Tom Simpson

Tom Simpson

Senior Software Developer 

How long have you been at GOSS?: Six and half years

What do you do at GOSS?: Backend Software Developer

What has been your greatest achievement so far at GOSS?: Async Workers and when its released Worker Cells and a new tech stack

What's the best thing about working at GOSS?: For me its the people

If you could become an animal, which animal would it be?: A cat (they get to sleep a lot)

Favourite motto/quote:

  • Never put off till tomorrow what you can avoid all together

What three items would you take with you to a deserted island?:

  • A satellite phone
  • A solar charger 
  • A copy of 'how to survive on a desert island'



Ronald Middlekoop

Ronald Middelkoop

Senior Software Developer 

How long have you been at GOSS?: A good two years

What do you do at GOSS?: I'm a senior developer in the Core Tech team, the team responsible for the re-implementation of our stack in modern technologies. I'm also involved in the development of our payment integrations quite a bit.

What is your greatest achievement so far at GOSS?: The addition of a reconciliation mechanism for payments where the customer does not return to us after the payment process at the third party.

What's the best thing about working at GOSS?: Definitely the culture. Great set of people with a real love for their product.

If you could become any animal, which animal would it be?: I have to say that cats seem to have it pretty good

What is your guilty pleasure?: Long Showers

Favourite place in the world?: That must be New Zealand. If only it wasn't so far away...



Andrew Al Refae

Andrew Al-Refae

Graduate Software Developer 

How long have you been at GOSS?: As of writing this, twenty three and a half days.

What do you do at GOSS?: I'm a graduate software developer on the Core-Tech team, so I get to help develop and implement GOSS's latest technology.

What is your greatest achievement so far at GOSS?: Up to this point, dodging a technical sermon of the applications of finite state machines in text parsing from Richard B. On a serious note though, my greatest achievement at GOSS so far was completing my first real ticket.

What's the best thing about working at GOSS?: There's an abundance of talent and experience to learn from, it's a great place improve your own abilities.

What is your guilty pleasure?: It has to be donuts. Specifically, the chocolate-glazed ones.

Top 3 things on your bucket list?:

  1. Travelling through East Asia
  2. Going skydiving
  3. Actually finishing an India game project I start 

What three items would you take with you to a deserted island?:

  • A satellite phone
  • A GPS system
  • An inflatable beds that inflate themselves
Last modified: 11 March 2024 15:28

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